Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ready to Get Cookin'

The funniest thing happened when I saw the beginnings of my future kitchen...

I got excited to cook a meal!

Can't remember the last time that happened.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Sky Today

We took some cool pictures today, but what was really interesting was the changing sky.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Do You Think They're Related Somehow?

The kids went to Las Vegas to celebrate their grandmother's birthday. Michael showed up from Salt Lake and Andrew from Houston in the same outfit! Gotta love the twin action!!

The Man

My amazing son Andrew turned 21 this summer. It's hard to believe he's an adult already.
I hope he had a happy birthday. He's a man of few words, but he said he did.
I think he's still got a bit of kid in him.

I love this guy!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saying Goodbye

I spent a million hours and a gazillion dollars getting my girl outfitted for college dorm life.
Getting all set to live in a dorm so bad, they're tearing it down over Christmas Break.
Yes, it is that bad. At least my Bella's stuff looks cute, but not as cute as she is of course.
I may have taken a few too many photos for documentation....couldn't help it.

I tried not to cry, we both tried not to cry, but saying goodbye to my baby girl hurt really bad!

Bonne chance, cher bien-aimé

Camino Real Elementary

My new school is only 20 minutes from my home in South Austin, but it is like a different world. You have to look sharp or you'll miss the turn onto Rhode Road that will take you there.
It is is located in Niederwald, Texas, home to fewer than 600 Texans. Kids from Niederwald, Buda and Kyle, Texas are bussed in on roads like this: Here's the lovely view to the east:
To the north:

The south -I've been told that recess has been canceled or cut short due to illicit cattle activity.
But don't let appearances fool you. The children are just as smart as they come and are so happy to be at school every morning! I have one of the sweetest groups of second graders I've ever taught. They are proud to be Camino Real Roadrunners and I'm proud to be their teacher!